This week, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) United for Efficiency (U4E) initiative launched a prototype national product registration system (PRS) which can be customised by countries to implement their own national system. A PRS is an essential component of a programme to transform a market to more energy-efficient lighting, appliances or equipment. It is used to capture specific information on the products to underpin policies or programmes and to provide an initial ...Read More
April issue of the U4E newsletter now available
The U4E newsletter provides readers with quarterly updates on the latest U4E projects, resources and tools. The April 2022 issue is now available. This includes information on: The Project Steering Committee meeting for the GEF Global Project to Leapfrog Markets to Energy Efficient Lighting, Appliances and Equipment The launch of R-COOL GO, the Rwanda Cooling Initiative’s Green On-Wage financing mechanism The new U4E/SIE project to promote sustainable public procurement in ...Read More
Big Savings with Sustainable Public Procurement – Government and State Entities Leading by Powerful Example in the Transformation of National Markets to Higher Efficiency Lighting, Appliances and Equipment
Sustainable public procurement (SPP) is a process whereby Governments and other public sector organisations meet their needs for goods and services in a way that achieves the best value for money while at the same time balancing the environmental, social and economic aspects. Such balance can be readily achieved thought the deployment of more stringent and ambitious standards for electrical products – high energy performance standards (HEPS) to ’save energy, save money and save the planet at ...Read More
SAPP-U4E Meeting on Southern Africa Regional and National Opportunities for Energy-Efficient Transformers and Appliances
On 28 March 2022, the United Nations Environment Programme United for Efficiency (U4E) initiative and the Southern African Power Pool (SAPP) convened a meeting with Southern African power utilities and distribution transformers focal points who sit on Integrated Demand Management Working Group (IDMWG) to discuss the development of minimum energy performance standards (MEPS), and the use of the new U4E total cost of ownership tool, for distribution transformers. The objective of the meeting ...Read More
Monitoring, Verification and Compliance Capacity Building Training Supports Transition to Efficient Lighting in Bolivia
On 4 March 2022, representatives from the key institutions involved in the Transition to Efficient Lighting in Bolivia project met in La Paz, Bolivia to receive training to expand capacity within the wider stakeholder group on the monitoring, verification and compliance (MVC) aspects of the project. The objective of this GEF-funded project is to accelerate the transition to energy-efficient lighting technologies in Bolivia through the development of a national efficient lighting policy and ...Read More
Sustainable Cooling Experts Gather in Washington for Global Food Loss Summit
Sustainable food, cooling and cold-chain experts from around the globe are gathering in Washington DC to create a blueprint for rolling out affordable solutions to help African food producers reduce waste and reduce their carbon footprint. The Africa Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Cooling and Cold Chain Summit will take place in the United States on 15 March to identify partnership and investment opportunities to scale up the impact of existing initiatives across Africa. The Summit ...Read More
New Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Cooling and Cold-Chain in India Kick-starts Sustainable Cooling Journey
A new Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Cooling and Cold-Chain in Telangana State, India will create a ‘hot spot’ for sustainable cooling innovation to accelerate the deployment of energy-efficient refrigeration for food and vaccine supply chains across the country. The Centre will conduct state-of-the-art applied research in food and vaccine distribution, supporting the roll-out of affordable, energy resilient, low emission cold-chain systems in India. Connecting British and Indian experts ...Read More
A New Opportunity for Rwandans to Affordably Purchase Appliances that can Reduce Electricity Bills and Impacts on the Environment
Today, Rwanda’s Ministry of Environment through the Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) launched the Rwanda Cooling Initiative’s Green On-Wage (R-COOL GO) financing mechanism – through which environmentally friendly refrigerators and air conditioners will be more widely accessible and affordable in Rwanda. Eligible salaried employees from the public and private sectors may request loans from participating banks to purchase new cooling appliances that meet strict performance ...Read More
UNEP U4E and SIE Announce a New Sustainable Public Procurement Collaboration
The United Nations Environment Programme’s United for Efficiency (UNEP U4E) and Société d'Ingénierie Energétique (SIE), the Moroccan state-owned energy services company, are delighted to announce their collaboration to promote sustainable public procurement in Morocco. The potential energy savings of energy efficient cooling appliances stands at 1.1 TWh annually in the country. The parties will take a cohesive approach to address technical, financial, and regulatory considerations, drawing ...Read More
January issue of the U4E newsletter now available
The U4E newsletter provides readers with quarterly updates on the latest U4E projects, resources and tools. The January 2022 issue is now available. This includes information on: Further funding to speed the reach of Africa’s sustainable cooling and cold chain centre Ongoing work to encourage the adoption and implementation of U4E’s Model Regulation Guidelines for Energy-Efficient and Climate-Friendly Commercial Refrigeration Equipment The Refriclaje campaign in Chile which aims to ...Read More
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