Developing and emerging economies can phase out low-quality lighting from their markets with the help of the new model minimum energy performance Guidelines The model Guidelines could save consumers and businesses $18 billion and prevent 160 million tonnes of carbon emissions globally by 2030 Signify (the new company name of Philips Lighting), Natural Resources Defense Council, and more participated in the development process 21 May 2018 –At an event during the Energy Efficiency Global ...Read More
United for Efficiency Initiates Collaboration with Caribbean Countries
On 25 April 2018, United for Efficiency launched work with Caribbean countries at meetings in their capitals, aiming to accelerate the transformation of the islands’ cooling market. This will allow for energy-efficient and climate-friendly air conditioners and refrigerators to enter the countries’ markets, saving customers $222M in their energy bills. The Caribbean Cooling Initiative includes five action areas: an energy efficiency market assessment, development of a national cooling strategy ...Read More
Asian Policymakers Receive Training to Promote Efficient Cooling
BEIJING, 17 April 2018— The first of a series of unique regional workshops to promote energy-efficient cooling concluded last Thursday in the Chinese capital. The “Twinning Workshop on Energy-Efficient and Climate-Friendly Refrigeration and Air Conditioning” aimed to strengthen cooperation between two traditionally separate communities – those responsible for managing compliance with the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, and those who craft national energy policies. ...Read More
Turkey Supports SMEs in Using Efficient Motors
Recently in Ankara, Turkey launched a project under the United for Efficiency umbrella, aiming to increase the amount of energy-efficient motors its SMEs use. Strengthening of the Turkish industry, which consumes 35 per cent of the total energy used in Turkey and mostly uses inefficient motors, helps the country in reaching its targets set in its Energy Efficiency Law, Energy Strategy Plan, and the 10th National Development Plan. Energy demand in Turkey is increasing, and a transition to ...Read More
NRDC: Light Bulbs are Low-Hanging Melons in the Efficiency Tree
The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), a leading environmental advocacy group, was one of the founding members of United for Efficiency in 2015. It continues to bring its world-class energy efficiency expertise to the initiative because reducing the emissions of pollutants that cause climate change is the Council’s top priority. NRDC has a long track record of working to improve the energy efficiency of buildings and the equipment inside them. In United for Efficiency, together ...Read More
United for Efficiency Initiates Collaboration with Rwanda
On 20 March 2018, United for Efficiency launched work with Rwandan government, aiming to accelerate the transformation of the country’s cooling market. This will allow for energy-efficient and climate-friendly air conditioners and refrigerators to enter Rwandan markets, saving Rwandan customers $40M in their energy bills. The Rwanda Cooling Initiative, initiated in Kigali at the outset of the Africa Cooling Efficiency Conference, includes five action areas, most notably an energy efficiency ...Read More
IEA launches Energy Efficiency Indicators Online Training Courses
*This is a United for Efficiency Partner Story and was originally published on the IEA website The IEA launched the IEA Energy Efficiency Indicators Online Training Courses in Mexico City yesterday, the first professional online courses to be delivered by the IEA. These two e-learning courses – essentials for policymakers and fundamentals for statistics – will provide statisticians and policymakers with the tools to collect the information necessary to create energy efficiency indicators. ...Read More
Dominican Republic Leapfrogs to LED Lighting
On March 7, 2018, the Dominican Republic called for a ban on fluorescent lamp imports and urged state institutions to switch to LED lighting. This is an important step for the country to leapfrog entirely to LED lighting, which saves consumers on their electricity bills and reduces greenhouse gas emissions from electricity production. Francisco Domínguez Brito, the Minister for the Environment and Natural Resources stated, “We aim to become the first all LED island in the world, for the ...Read More
Competition for Journalists from the Least Developed Countries
*This is a United for Efficiency Partner Story The United Nations Office of the High Representative for Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States (UN-OHRLLS) is looking for inspiring stories on how sustainable energy positively impacts communities and individuals in the world’s Least Developed Countries. Three winners of the ‘Voices of A Brighter Future’ competition will have their work featured by the United Nations and other news ...Read More
Chilean Authorities Learn Lamp Quality Testing in China
Chilean lighting experts attended a United for Efficiency training on lighting compliance at the Global Efficient Lighting Centre in Beijing from 15 – 19 January, 2018. They learnt how Chilean lamp testing laboratories could improve their practices, which is important in ensuring dangerous and inefficient lighting products don’t enter Chilean markets. One of the cheapest and fastest ways to reduce global carbon emissions and air pollution is the phase-out of inefficient lighting technologies. ...Read More
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