Energy Action Day took place virtually on 16 September 2021, ahead of the UN High-Level Dialogue on Energy, and aimed to accelerate collective action towards net-zero and climate-resilient energy systems. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) United for Efficiency (U4E) initiative was pleased to contribute to the energy efficiency session, Energy Efficiency - Making the Energy Transition Possible. United for Efficiency organized the session together with UN Environment Programme, Cool ...Read More
Leapfrogging to Energy-efficient and Climate-friendly Commercial Refrigerating Appliances in Brazil
The Brazilian Ministry of Mines and Energy and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) United for Efficiency (U4E) initiative are pleased to announce the start of a new, two-year project to help Brazil make the transition to energy-efficient and more climate-friendly commercial refrigerators. The project will provide a significant contribution to Brazil’s National Determination Contribution goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 37% below 2005 levels, with 10% efficiency gains. ...Read More
Energy Action Day: Accelerating the Energy Transition
Energy Action Day will be held in the lead up to the UN High Level Dialogue on Energy, and will serve as an important milestone on the road to COP26 in Glasgow. It is hosted by Denmark, as Global Theme Champion of the Energy Transition track of the High Level Dialogue, in collaboration with IRENA, UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) and the World Economic Forum. In line with SDG7, Energy Action Day will convene high-level stakeholders, to demonstrate a leap in collective ambition to ...Read More
ECOFRIDGES GO Online Shop is Now Available for Consumers to Finance New Fridges and ACs at 0% Interest
As part of its Green On-Wage (GO) financial mechanism, ECOFRIDGES GO is pleased to announce the launch of its online store, which allows Ghanaians to order energy-efficient and environmentally friendly refrigerators and air conditioners. The ECOWAS Refrigerators and Air Conditioners Initiative is collaborating with CalBank Plc, Ecobank Ghana Limited, Letshego Ghana Savings and Loans Plc to provide low-interest loans to eligible salaried employees, and with the following vendors Ederick Limited, ...Read More
July Issue of the U4E Newsletter Now Available
The U4E newsletter provides readers with quarterly updates on the latest U4E projects, resources and tools. The July 2021 issue is now available: This includes information on: Our participation in high profile events as a call to action towards a more sustainable and net zero emission future The official launch of U4E lighting projects in Bolivia and Tunisia The convening of EAC and SADC technical committee meetings for the U4E-led project on MEPS for cooling products The ...Read More
Official launch of Tunisia´s project to facilitate the rapid market transformation to high energy efficiency and usage-controlling lighting technologies
Improvement in Tunisia´s sustainable energy supply situation has been limited by restricted investment in energy resources, a decline in conventional fossil fuel energy production and a great increase in national energy demand. The growing imbalance between resources and energy needs has generated a deficit which reached 62% of primary energy demand in 2020. Moreover, the energy sector is by far the largest source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Tunisia, accounting for 58% of the country’s ...Read More
High-level Dialogue on Energy Ministerial Thematic Forums
Ministerial-level Thematic Forums will bring together key stakeholders virtually over five days, 21-25 June 2021, to mobilize actions as a major milestone on the road to the High-level Dialogue on Energy in September 2021. Ministers from national governments and leaders from business, cities, civil society and youth organizations and other stakeholders will have the opportunity to showcase solutions and partnerships on each priority theme and present their Energy Compacts, setting out their ...Read More
EAC and SADC Technical Committees Take the Lead in Moving Towards Harmonization of Regional Minimum Energy Performance Standards for Cooling Products
In the East African Community (EAC) and Southern African Development Community (SADC) regions, growing populations, urbanization and rising living standards are expected to cause a tremendous increase in energy demand by 2030 and beyond. Air conditioners and refrigerators account for a large proportion of the electricity demand in EAC and SADC and many of old air conditioners and refrigerators currently installed use unnecessarily large amounts of electricity. To address this growing issue, ...Read More
Applying Government’s Purchasing Power to Jump-start Sustainability
On the 2-3 June 2021, United for Efficiency (U4E) hosted a series of workshops on Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) for lighting and cooling appliances. SPP is a process whereby public sector organisations meet their needs for goods and services in a way that achieves the best value for money on a whole life basis for the organisation and society. Three dimensions – environmental, social and economic – form the pillars of an SPP programme. The events gathered 57 participants, including ...Read More
High Profile Inception Workshop for Bolivia Lighting Project
The Delivering the Transition to Energy Efficient Lighting project in Bolivia was given a boost this week at a high-profile inception workshop in La Paz. The Minister of Hydrocarbons and Energies, Lic. Franklin Molina Ortiz and the Vice Minister of Electricity and Alternative Energies, Ing. José Maria S. Romay Bortolini, voiced their support for the project in front of a live audience of 60 participants, with another 20 joining remotely, including representatives from OLADE (the Latin American ...Read More
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