This prototype product registration system (PRS) is built for countries which do not have their own system and would like to implement a PRS. The system is based on global best practices and contains the essential elements of a registration system, including user input forms, data tables and output reports.
Policymakers can benefit from this prototype free of charge as it is based on open-source software. It is also designed to work with slow connections and can be deployed flexibly on Windows, Linux or cloud/on-site. The application was securely developed, as well as coded using OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) Secure Coding Practices and the Transport Layer Security (TLS) communication protocol.
Policymakers may review the prototype and consider whether to use it (in whole or part) as the basis for their own product registration system. The functionalities of the system can be customised for individual country needs, for example to include individual MEPS in the system, enable bulk upload or define authorized laboratories.
The system includes lighting, air conditioners and refrigerators – these three product categories can be easily expanded due to the modular structure. To account for a holistic and sustainable market transformation, the system does not only consider energy efficiency, but also enables regulators to request information from applicants on the refrigerants in cooling products.
The registration system has separate login credentials for applicants, regulators, and administrators to ensure smooth processing of applications:
Applicant portal – an applicant-supplier/manufacturer/trader must be registered in the system before their products can be sold in the market. The applicant may also track the status of their application on applicant portal. The prototype registration system provides the complete set of online forms for the registration of a product.
Regulator portal – provides a platform for regulators to review and approve applications and product analysis. The regulator has the ability to approve, revoke or refuse an application. It also has advanced features, such as ability to extract sales and testing facility data and generate reports and analysis.
Administrator portal – manages the smooth administration and functioning of all accounts. It has all the features of applicant and regulator portal and the ability to solve any issues and to personalize the system.
To enable interested users to login to and explore the system, a visitor login has been created. Click here to access the system and login with the details:
- Username: ad********@te**.com
- Password: 123456
The help area at the bottom of the menu provides guidance on using the system.
Regional Product Database
In addition to the prototype product registration system, a regional system has been developed that serves as a regional data depository. The regional system is being implemented by the Southeast Asian region and aims to facilitate the monitoring of energy efficiency appliances in the region. The database can be also implemented and individualized by policymakers of any other region. Please contact ma*********** if you are interested in further details.