U4E uses an Integrated Policy Approach to accelerate adoption of energy-efficient lighting, appliances and equipment.
The priorities and perspectives of key stakeholders – consumers, businesses, civil society and officials – are addressed in each of these areas. For more information on each one, click on the item in the grid below.

Standard & Regulations
Standards specify energy efficiency and other requirements for a product to be sold in the market. Minimum energy performance standards (MEPS), testing standards and definitions should reference international best practices. Mandatory standards are essential to market transformation.

Supporting Policies
Labelling and outreach support standards by ensuring that requirements are clearly and consistently conveyed. Labels affixed to products help purchasers understand performance and other attributes so they can make informed decisions. Outreach efforts raise awareness of the benefits and activities associated with market transformation activities.

Finance and Financial Delivery Mechanisms
Financial mechanisms support consumers to offset the higher purchase price of efficient products. Governments may utilise existing budgets or outside sources (e.g. fees, donors), while consumers may tap grants or financing options (e.g. loans, leases, utility bill assessments) to cover the incremental cost.

Monitoring, Verification and Enforcement
Monitoring, verification and enforcement (MVE) involves overseeing products sold in the market, verifying compliance with standards and labels (e.g. by testing the products), enforcing these requirements, and reporting on the results so that consumers and businesses trust and benefit from market transformation activities.

Environmentally Sound Management and Health
Environmentally Sound Management and Health considerations are crucial to ensure products do not cause undue harm to people or the planet during manufacturing, operation, or recycling/disposal. Potentially hazardous ingredients (e.g. mercury, toxins, ozone depleting or global warming refrigerants) must be handled according to global best practices.
Product Focus
Making use of energy-efficient products is one of the most effective ways to reduce electricity consumption and mitigate climate change.
To see a snapshot of the savings potential for each of U4E’s focus product areas, and examples of the news items and publications available for each product, click on the links below.