United for Efficiency supports the Caribbean countries to advance policies, strategies and actions for the phase-out of inefficient air conditioners and refrigerators. Emphasis is on an integrated policy approach so that a transition can be sustained by the regional market without continued external support or resources.
The objective of this Clean Cooling Collaborative (formerly K-CEP)-funded project with the Governments of the Bahamas, Barbados, Dominican Republic, Jamaica and St Lucia is to to showcase the myriad benefits of a rapid and comprehensive transition to energy-efficient and climate-friendly cooling.
Main Components
- Conduct five national cooling market assessments
- Develop five national cooling strategies (NCS)
- Recommend minimum energy performance standards and labels
- Develop a financial mechanism targeting the hospitality sector
- Provide capacity building on priority topics identified by the countries

- Dominican Republic NDC 2020 (Updated Submission)
- Dominican Republic technical and financial feasibility study for an energy efficiency and refrigerant gas testing laboratory for air conditioners
- Caribbean Cooling Initiative: HVACR Technicians Regional Consortium Concept Paper – September 2019
- Barbados National Cooling Strategy for the RAC sector
- C-COOL webinar – April 2021
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The Caribbean Cooling Initiative (C-COOL) was established in early 2018…
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