To help spread the word about United for Efficiency (U4E), our partner, the International Copper Association (ICA), supported the development of a video focusing on U4E’s mission and inviting other organizations to collaborate with us. The video features partners explaining their reason for joining U4E as well as the connection to the en.lighten work. We invite you to share the video with others who may be interested in partnering with ...Read More
The Global Efficient Lighting Centre Assists Sweden in Establishing National Lighting Laboratory
Beijing, 27 February 2013 - The Global Efficient Lighting Centre – UNEP Collaborating Centre for Energy Efficient Lighting (GELC) - has successfully completed a project with the Swedish Energy Agency to launch a national lighting laboratory in Stockholm, Sweden ...Read More
New UN Collaborating Centre for Energy Efficient Lighting Opens in Beijing to Accelerate Global Phase-Out Plans
Beijing, 31 October 2012 -The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and its partners announced the opening of the Global Efficient Lighting Centre (GELC) in Beijing, China. Launched by UNEP and the Chinese National Lighting Test Centre, the GELC is designed to support the rapid deployment of energy efficient technologies in developing and emerging countries by assisting in the establishment or strengthening of national and/or regional lighting laboratories. Read more ...Read More
A global transition to efficient lighting
Cancun, 3 December 2010 - The CEOs of OSRAM and Philips Lighting contributed to the publication of the 4th edition of Climate Action by writing a timely article that described the en.lighten initiative and urged countries, stakeholders and civil society to phase out inefficient lighting. Read more ...Read More